It is forbidden to convert 16-seat cars into passenger Limousines from September 1

The new law stipulates that cars with less than 10 seats (including the driver) must not be used for passenger transport business.

It is forbidden to convert 16-seat cars into passenger Limousines from September 1

The above content is stated in Decree 47/2022/ND-CP issued by the Government on July 19, amending and supplementing Decree 10/2020/ND-CP on business and conditions for air transport business. car.

Accordingly, the above Decree supplements Clause 3, Article 13 of Decree 10/2020 on conditions for passenger transport business by car.

Specifically, do not use cars converted from cars with a capacity of 10 seats or more to cars with less than 10 seats (including the driver) for passenger transport business; Do not use a car with a similar design to a car with 9 or more seats (including the driver) to do passenger transport business by taxi.

The new Decree also stipulates that vehicles that have been converted to less than 10 seats (including the driver) and have been issued badges and signs before the effective date of Decree 47 (September 1, 2022). used for passenger transport business until the end of its useful life as prescribed in the Decree.

Previously, Decree 10/2020 only stipulated not to use cars converted into vehicles with less than 9 seats (including the driver) for taxi transport business.

In reality today, it is quite common for 16-seat vehicles (such as Ford Transit, Hyundai Solati, Mercedes Sprinter…) to be converted to less than 10 seats to carry inter-provincial passengers. These cars are often called Limousine cars, operating “hidden” in the form of contract cars – picking up passengers at home and dropping them off at some spontaneous stops.

Thus, when Decree 47/2022 takes effect from September 1, 16-seat cars converted into Limousines with less than 10 seats will not be eligible to issue badges and signs for passenger transport business.

According to Decree 10/2020/ND-CP, contract passenger transport business units and drivers are only allowed to sign transport contracts with transport hirers who want to rent the entire trip (including hiring people). driver; not allowed to confirm reservations for each passenger, not allowed to sell tickets or collect money for each passenger in any form; not allowed to set a fixed itinerary or schedule to serve many passengers or many different transport hirers; do not pick up or drop off passengers frequently and repeatedly every day at the head office, branch headquarters, representative office or at another fixed location designated by the transport business unit. rental, business cooperation.

But in reality today, many Limousines are violating the above regulations.

According to Dan Tri

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