PVI health insurance rules

As we all know, health insurance provides a wide range of benefits and attractive medical support services for customers during their participation. We can enjoy benefits such as cashless treatment, discounts or incentives for medical services, or support with medical-related documents and procedures, etc. This helps. We can easily save time and receive quality medical care services without incurring financial pressure. And of course, for each insurance product there will be different regulations on the participation process, benefits, insurance exclusions, etc. Those requirements will be specified in the rules. insurance. Therefore, in the sharing article below, IBAOHIEM would like to introduce to you these PVI health insurance rules – one of the leading non-life insurance brands in the Vietnamese insurance market today, and is highly appreciated in providing health insurance to customers.

Rules are a set of principles and regulations applied in a specific area of ​​life. The purpose of rules is to help create unity in the operating process, ensuring fairness as well as fairness. like job performance. So it can be understood PVI health insurance rules are the regulations and rules established by PVI to guide and regulate the rights and obligations of businesses providing health insurance products and customers participating in this product at PVI.

PVI health insurance rules

The insurance rules of this product are designed by PV into many parts and many different clauses to detail related issues, rights and obligations of the parties during the insurance participation process. Accordingly, insurance rules are divided into the main parts: general principles, definitions you need to know, insurance benefits, insurance exclusions, compensation payment procedures and finally the benefits table. And below are some rules that you need to pay attention to when choosing to buy PVI health insurance:

Insured subjects are all Vietnamese citizens or foreigners residing in Vietnam from 01 year old to 60 years old and renewed up to 65 years old. However, PVI does not accept insurance for subjects such as: people with mental illness, leprosy, cancer, disability or permanent disability of 50% or more,…

The scope of insurance is within the entire territory of Vietnam and has a term of one year unless the parties have otherwise agreed on the insurance term. Accordingly, PVI also does not guarantee to pay benefits to the insured person if they fall into exclusion cases such as: intentional actions of the insured person, treatment/use of drugs not as directed, medical examination and treatment. tests without a doctor’s conclusion, etc.;

Insurance premium is also an important content PVI health insurance rules Because in many cases, only when the customer completes the payment fee to PVI will the insurance take effect, unless otherwise agreed;

The rights of one party are often the obligations of the other party, and the two parties can agree on additional insurance terms to suit the goodwill of the parties, for example, the buyer has the right to request the seller to provide Providing full information and transparent procedures, the seller also has the right to request the buyer to provide accurate information and status of the insured person;

The rules also mention the contents of the time limit for claiming compensation, the time limit for resolving compensation, the contract renewal process, the composition of the claim dossier, complaints, and the corresponding level of benefits. with each health care insurance program,…

Hopefully the above sharing from IBAOHIEM has helped you to have a clearer picture PVI health insurance rules.

Learn product details here: PVI health insurance

After you have learned about the product and you need advice or contact to buy insurance, please do the following:

1/ Method 1: Send support or information via forms on articles or websites.

2/ Method 2: Call or text the hotline number: 0966 490 888 – 02466 569 888 for staff to advise and answer questions.

3/ Method 3: Send request email to mailbox: Kinhdoanh@ibaohiem.vn The content of the request is consulted or answered. Note: please leave your phone number so the consultant can contact you as quickly and conveniently as possible.

4/ Method 4: Send Viber or Zalo message via phone number: 0966 490 888 with the content of needing support or advice.



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