What is a heatsink? How many types of radiators are there? Heat dissipation application in CarOn car screen

During the operation of laptop hardware, heat is unavoidable. However, if too much heat is produced, it can significantly affect the life and performance of the machine. That’s why the manufacturer will equip the cooling fan to become a part of the computer. So what is a radiator, how many types of radiators are there and what are the applications of radiator fans in car screens today? Let’s find out with Caron right in this article!

What is a heatsink?

The heatsink is a part that helps dissipate heat emitted from the computer’s hardware. It can be basically understood that when the workload is heavy such as: Design, graphics, gaming, etc., it will cause the hardware to generate heat. After a period of continuous operation, the hardware (especially the CPU and VGA) will radiate a huge amount of heat. You can clearly feel this heat when you touch it and see the computer is hot. However, generating too much heat will significantly affect the machine’s performance.

What is a heatsink? Classification of heatsinks

Recognizing this, new computer manufacturers have launched heat dissipation products. The purpose of a heatsink is to minimize the amount of heat and absorb it. Then disperse into the environment before any problems occur with computer components.

Speaking of which, you probably already understand what the role of a cooling fan is. Indeed, making computers is one of the extremely important issues. This not only increases the performance of the machine, avoids freezing during use, but also increases the life of the device.

Classification of heatsinks

Currently, there are 3 main types of heat sinks commonly used on the market as follows:

  • Type 1: Air cooler (also known as radiator fan);
  • Type 2: All-in-One water cooler (also known as AIO cooler);
  • Type 3: Custom water cooling.

Air radiator

Air radiator
Air cooling fan

Air coolers are one of the types of computer heatsinks that have been around for a long time and are the most popular on the market. This is a device that helps transfer heat from the CPU to the outside. To do this, the radiator needs to use heat transfer pipes and fins. In particular, the material commonly used to produce pipes is copper and the heatsink fins are made of aluminum.

Currently, air cooling technology is divided into two types as follows:

  • Stock heatsink: These are the types of heatsinks that go attach CPU upon purchase. This heatsink is commonly used for all types Universal CPU. Meanwhile, high-end CPUs will not be sold with Stock heatsinks.
  • Air radiator: Has the same function as Stock heatsink. However, the air cooler will be invested in with a better quality design. This is also the most popular type of heatsink today thanks to its low cost but simple structure and high efficiency.

Principle of operation of an air cooler is to use a heat-absorbing surface if in contact with the surface where the most heat is emitted (such as the CPU) through a layer of thermal paste. Then, the heat from the CPU through the thermal paste will continue to transfer through the heat absorbing surface and then through the pipes, the heat to the heatsink needles. There, the blower fan will help circulate to cool the metals and the case’s pen fan will push hot air outside.

All – In – One (AIO) water cooling

All In One water cooling was born to overcome the disadvantage of ineffective heat dissipation in small details of air cooling. The cooling efficiency of AIO water coolers is much higher than that of air coolers.

Water cooling is mainly for those who use high-intensity computers or play games and have heavy designs. When the hardware radiates a lot of heat but the air radiator cannot meet the cooling capacity.

All In One water cooling
All In One radiator fan

At this time, the water cooler is responsible for transferring the heat emitted from the hardware into the water. The heat generated from the components will be transferred to the cooling fluid. They will then be released into the environment through the heatsink fins.

Principle of operation of a water cooler: This water cooler will operate more complicatedly than an air cooler because it has more parts. The water cooler will absorb heat through the copper base in direct contact with the CPU surface and transfer it to the water inside. The radiator pump will send the circulating water system to the large cooling tank and the fan will cool that water, then bring the cool water back and cool the CPU.

Custom water cooling

Custom water cooling
Custom water cooling

Not only are there low-end, mid-range and high-end segments, but there is also a quite special heatsink segment on the market for those with greater needs. They are people who often overclock, play heavy graphics games, do graphic design or work with heavy data that requires huge CPUs and GPUs.

At that time, they will definitely need a special radiator to cool their computer’s huge system. And that radiator is called Custom Water Cooling – personalized radiator with the owner’s tolerance.

Advantages and disadvantages of each type of heatsink

Air radiator

– Advantage

  • Prices are quite cheap and diverse.
  • Easy to install. Toilet. Maintenance. Maintenance.
  • Easy to repair when having problems.
  • Can dissipate heat throughout the mainboard’s power supply area – the motherboard.
  • High performance.
  • Long lifespan.
  • High wide-area cooling efficiency


  • Make noise
  • Easy to collect dust

All – In – One (AIO) water cooling

– Advantage

  • Extremely good cooling effect in all areas, whether large or detailed heat dissipation.
  • Smoother, quieter operation.
  • Diverse designs. Designed with an eye-catching and impressive RGB temple system.
  • Less dust, saves maintenance time.

– Defect

  • Expensive.
  • More difficult to install than air coolers.
  • It is difficult to clean the inside when needed because many components are quite closed.
  • Difficult to repair when something goes wrong.

Custom water cooling

– Advantage

  • Cooling efficiency is higher than AIO air cooler and water cooler.
  • Choose the desired components to assemble the radiator.
  • Doesn’t make noise.
  • The design of the extended water line or the color is also up to you to choose.
  • Bring unique, unique colors that only you have.

– Defect

  • Price is higher than air cooler and AIO water cooler.
  • Must regularly change water and maintain properly.
  • Needs skilled people to assemble.
  • Difficult to clean and maintain.

Application of radiator fan in car smart display

Today, there are many types of cooling fans in smart screens in cars to cool the CPU, increase performance and extremely long life. Compared to the above three types of radiators, air radiators are the most popular and widely used product because of their ease of installation and reasonable price.

Among them is the CarOn Pro smart screen, designed with many useful features such as Facebook, Zalo, integrated directions, voice control…, so the cooling fan becomes even more important. ever. Especially when traveling long distances, you must use a map or let your children watch entertainment programs on Youtube.

CarOn Pro smart screen

In addition, the CarOn Display is constructed from metal – a construction material favored by The ability to quickly dissipate heat to the outside, the temperature of internal components is always stable, increasing the durability of the machine.., so the heat dissipation is many times greater than that of conventional plastic curtains.

Above is accurate information about radiator fans for you. For more information, contact immediately https://caronpro.vn/ or 1900633612 for support and many incentives.

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