Is Liberty auto insurance good?

Currently, people’s demand for insurance is increasing day by day, so more and more design units, issuers, and distributors of insurance products are being established to meet maximum needs. usage and insurance participation needs of all customer segments. We can mention the leading insurance companies in our country’s insurance market today such as: Bao Viet, Bao Minh, PVI, PTI, VBI, MIC,… especially, we cannot help but mention the Liberty insurance brand. – one of the insurance businesses that receives a lot of attention and positive reviews from customers. Therefore, the article shared below by IBAOHIEM will help you clarify your questions Is Liberty auto insurance good?? What benefits does ownership bring? How to own this product quickly and safely when there are many units distributing, consulting, and introducing this product to customers.

To evaluate a good insurance product, we can base it on many different criteria, including subjective and objective. Among them, the objective criteria often used to evaluate and rank insurance are: Reliability and reputation of the insurance company; Extensive and appropriate level of protection to ensure financial security; compatibility with protection needs and desires; affordability, quick participation process, simple procedures of insurance enterprises; Reasonable participation costs, many incentives; Customer service is highly appreciated for support, consulting ability, after-sale customer care, etc. Therefore, to answer questions Is Liberty auto insurance good? Then you should consult and evaluate the product from a subjective and objective perspective as suggested above to get the most accurate and appropriate answer.

Is Liberty auto insurance good?

About Liberty, is a global insurance group called Liberty Mutual, with more than 100 years of experience in insurance operations in the US and globally. And Liberty Insurance in Vietnam is one of the subsidiaries of this group, present in Vietnam in 2003. With many years of establishment and development, Liberty has created a completely different position in the market. non-life insurance by applying modern technology, helping customers buy insurance online easily and safely. Along with that, is constant research and development to bring superior products to help people improve their quality of life better and better, serving all life needs such as comprehensive car insurance. rent, housing, health, travel, assets and responsibilities…

And with auto insurance, Liberty offers customers many different insurance options, diverse in types and methods of participation. Specifically:

Automobile civil liability insurance – Liberty ensures to pay customers the necessary and reasonable fees to quickly fulfill the obligation to compensate for damages when unfortunately at fault causing damage to a third party. Limit up to: 150 million VND/person/case if a third person’s health or life is damaged and 100 million VND/case if a third person’s property is damaged;

Voluntary auto insurance, Liberty offers customers three insurance packages with attractive benefits and diverse additional terms: car physical insurance, personal accident insurance sit in the car and insure the goods in the car. In particular, car physical insurance will help fully protect your car from the outside body to the entire internal engine system without having to worry about vehicle repair bills when encountering accidents. Unintended accidents such as: collision, collision, center of gravity deviation, sinking/falling, fire, natural disaster, explosion, etc.

Hopefully with the above sharing, IBAOHIEM has helped you solve your problems Is Liberty auto insurance good?

Learn more about the product here: Liberty Insurance

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1/ Method 1: Send support or information via forms on articles or websites.

2/ Method 2: Call or text the hotline number: 0966 490 888 – 02466 569 888 for staff to advise and answer questions.

3/ Method 3: Send request email to mailbox: The content of the request is consulted or answered. Note: please leave your phone number so that consultants can contact you as quickly and conveniently as possible.

4/ Method 4: Send Viber or Zalo message via phone number: 0966 490 888 with the content of needing support or advice.



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