PVI care insurance benefits

Insurance is an effective financial backup plan and a way to help participating customers easily handle and overcome risks encountered during the insurance process. In addition, people’s health care needs are increasing, but mandatory health insurance according to state regulations does not really meet the needs of health examination and treatment. people’s health. Therefore, many people today have chosen to participate in additional voluntary health insurance programs with health care products designed and issued by different insurance businesses, and products receiving Getting a lot of attention and trust from customers today is PVI care insurance. So is this health care product reputable? PVI care insurance benefits Is it attractive? Is there many incentives for the participation fee or how is this fee calculated? Please join IBAOHIEM in the sharing article below to answer those questions!

Insurance benefits are a set of incentives and utilities that customers have the right to enjoy or be protected according to the provisions of the insurance contract – when events, situations or risks occur during the insurance process. Participate in any insurance program at any insurance company. Accordingly, it can be understood PVI care insurance benefits are the physical or mental benefits that customers enjoy when participating in the PVI care insurance program – a high-end health care program, issued by Vietnam Petroleum Insurance Corporation (also known as PetroVietnam Insurance Corporation). abbreviated as PVI).

PVI Care benefits

The benefits when participating in PVI care insurance will be medical care benefits for customers when participating. And currently, this product is designed by PVI under two insurance benefits, classified into five participation programs and corresponding to six different age frames. In addition, the health situation and medical services used by each customer are not the same, and the hospital bills incurred in each customer case are also different. Therefore, PVI care insurance benefits The benefits that customers will enjoy in each case will be different, but in general, customers will enjoy the following benefits:

PVI commits to paying part or all of hospital bills arising during the examination and treatment of health problems such as illness, accidents, diseases, maternity, dentistry, and even death. ;

When you join PVI’s health insurance package, you will enjoy the best and most modern medical services, especially PVI’s direct hospital fee guarantee system that will help you feel secure about payment. Hospital fees at hospitals and clinics in the network that have signed contracts with PVI, such as 108, Viet Phap, Vinmec, Viet Duc, National Children’s Hospital, Thu Cuc, Hong Ngoc, FV…;

Besides, you can also visit and get health care at any legal medical facility throughout Vietnam without having to worry too much about hospital bills, because PVI also supports the program. indirect insurance compensation within 15 working days of receiving a valid claim from you;

In particular, another attractive benefit is the participation fee with many incentives and extremely attractive benefits. For example, for customers aged 51 – 60 years old, if participating in program 2 with an insurance premium of 5,150,250 VND, PVI Care is responsible for paying up to 415,000,000 VND…

Hopefully with the above sharing IBAOHIEM has helped you understand better PVI care insurance benefits.

Learn product details here: PVI Care Insurance

After you have learned about the product and you need advice or contact to buy insurance, please do the following:

1/ Method 1: Send support or information via forms on articles or websites.

2/ Method 2: Call or text the hotline number: 0966 490 888 – 02466 569 888 for staff to advise and answer questions.

3/ Method 3: Send request email to mailbox: Kinhdoanh@ibaohiem.vn The content of the request is consulted or answered. Note: please leave your phone number so that consultants can contact you as quickly and conveniently as possible.

4/ Method 4: Send Viber or Zalo message via phone number: 0966 490 888 with the content of needing support or advice.



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