What is a tire pressure sensor? Should a tire pressure sensor be installed inside or outside the car?

Tire pressure sensors are considered an essential car accessory for car drivers. So what is a tire pressure sensor? How many types of tire pressure sensors are there? Which type should be installed for your car? Let’s explore the article below with Caron to get the answer!

What is a tire pressure sensor?

Inner and outer valve tire pressure sensor

A tire pressure sensor (Tire Pressure Monitoring System, abbreviated as TPMS) is an electronic device designed to monitor the pressure inside a tire. Normally, a car tire pressure sensor will have one 4 sensors installed on 4 tires and 1 display screen.

On the display screen there will be complete information pressure and temperature of each tire. When the tire pressure changes suddenly or is higher/lower than the preset level, the sensor will notify the driver through audio and visual signals.

Based on installation location, people divide tire pressure sensors into two main types: internal tire pressure sensors and external tire pressure sensors.

  • Internal tire pressure sensor: A type with a sensor head mounted inside the tire, the sensor valve replaces the valve of the original tire.
  • External tire pressure sensor: This type has a sensor head attached to the valve head of the wheel.

Should tire pressure sensors be installed in cars?

The answer is: “Yes” – Monitoring car tire index is necessary to ensure safety when driving, promptly detect under-inflated or over-inflated tires, and avoid tire damage. damage, reduced lifespan or tire puncture or explosion.

In addition, drivers can promptly detect inappropriate tire pressure and take quick measures to avoid traveling when tire pressure is not at standard levels. Compared to using a tire pressure gauge, TPMS brings more convenience because there is no need to measure pressure multiple times. When purchasing a tire pressure monitoring system, drivers are also guaranteed quality by the accompanying warranty program.

Ensure safety and limit risks when driving

The pressure inside the wheel is an extremely important factor that drivers need to monitor regularly. If the pressure is not guaranteed, the wheel will be too soft (under-inflated, under-inflated) or too tight. In this case, the wheel can explode and cause an accident at any time.

In addition, improper pressure also affects the vehicle’s performance and stability, increases fuel consumption and makes the driver feel uncomfortable.

The best way to monitor your car’s tire pressure is to use a tire pressure sensor. With this device, you can monitor the pressure inside the wheel regularly, promptly detect abnormalitiesHave adjust accordingly (for example, reduce air when the tire is too inflated, inflate the car tire when the tire is too low), thereby limiting the risk of an accident.

Helps extend tire life

Tires that are too tight or too low not only cause unsafety but also reduce the life of the tire, making the tire susceptible to cracking, wear, and deformation. By using a tire pressure sensor, you can limit these conditions, help your tires last longer, and thereby save on repair costs.

Maximum fuel economy

When your car is not equipped with a tire pressure sensor, when the tire is over inflated or the tire is too low, the tire pressure is low, unintentionally increasing road surface friction, leading to a situation that leads to high fuel consumption. more material.

On the contrary, when you install a tire pressure sensor in your car, it will help you monitor and keep the tire pressure always in standard condition, so it can save 2 to 3% of gasoline compared to under-inflated tire.

Creates a comfortable and precise feeling when driving

Travel comfortably – don’t mind long distances

Driving with an overinflated tire combined with reaction forces from the terrain causes the vehicle to vibrate. This brings troubles when driving such as difficulty controlling the steering wheel and mental fatigue. Especially when you drive on rough roads with many potholes and potholes.

On the contrary, if you drive with a flat tire, the travel speed will slow down, causing the vehicle to lose speed, causing discomfort. Installing a pressure sensor in your car will no longer have to worry about that. Because just by glancing at the display screen, you can clearly grasp the condition of your tires.

Above all, the pressure sensor also helps the driver control the vehicle more accurately. At the same time, it helps avoid abnormal wear and tear of the suspension systems. For example, the suspension system and chassis system.

Should the tire pressure sensor be installed inside or outside?

Internal tire pressure sensor

Internal tire pressure sensors are sensors mounted inside the tire, with the tire’s regular valve replaced by a sensor valve.

Internal tire pressure sensor

– Advantage

+ With this type of sensor, because it is mounted inside the tire, you will not have to worry about the sensor being stolen.

+ High aesthetics because it is hidden inside the tire

+ High battery life: average 3-5 years

+ High durability due to no contact with the environment, no impact with the outside environment

+ Ensure highly accurate parameters

– Defect

+ Because it is mounted inside, installing and repairing this type of sensor is quite difficult.

External tire pressure sensor

External tire pressure sensor
External tire pressure sensor

+ External tire pressure sensors are sensors mounted on the outside of the tire, specifically at the valve tip of the tire.


+ With this type of sensor, you can easily install and repair without having to remove the tire. With this design, you can easily replace the sensor in case of malfunction or damage.

– Defect:

+ Because it is mounted on the outside, this type of sensor is more susceptible to theft.

+ Low lifespan, if you want to use it for a long time, you have to replace it many cycles

+ Low aesthetics due to being mounted on the outside

In general, each type has its own advantages. But for convenience and optimization according to your assessment, it is eliminated Internal valve tire pressure sensor Most popular because of its high average lifespan and absolute safety.

How much does a tire pressure sensor cost?

Internal tire pressure sensor - Caron Pro
Internal tire pressure sensor – CARON PRO

Currently, on the market there are many types of internal tire pressure sensors, ranging from 2-3 million VND depending on the type. However, to buy products at reasonable, accurate and reputable prices, Caron is a brand that is highly appreciated for its quality at an affordable price.

Above is accurate information about tire pressure sensors for you. For more information, contact immediately https://caronpro.vn/ or 1900633612 for support and many incentives.

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