Petroleum life insurance

Caring and saving for the future is something that any of us consider and appreciate in life. There are many ways to create effective accumulation in the future, including choosing to buy insurance. Life insurance is trusted by many customers. Because, when participating in life insurance, customers will pay insurance premiums on an annual or monthly basis, and when the insurance contract matures, the customer will receive a corresponding accumulated amount, usually greater than the total amount paid by the customer. Therefore, life insurance not only acts as a financial solution to deal with health and life risks but also is a reliable form of savings for customers when participating. And to better understand the role and benefits of life insurance and participating insurance programs, please join IBAOHIEM to share about Oil and gas life insurance– one of the insurance products and brands that receives a lot of attention and appreciation from customers today.

Petroleum life insurance is a product designed and issued directly by PVI Sun Life Insurance Company – this is an insurance business established based on the cooperation between PetroVietnam Insurance Joint Stock Corporation (PetroVietnam Insurance Corporation) PVI) and Sun Life Financial Group. Or to put it another way, this is one of the insurance services that PVI has invested in to further develop the life insurance business, bringing the best service packages for family health and retirement to customers. goods when participating.

Petroleum life insurance

Life insurance helps protect customers’ finances against unforeseen risks such as serious illness, accidents or even death. When encountering risks, customers and their families will receive an insurance sum to help them overcome the consequences and stabilize their lives, and now Oil and gas life insurance- PVI Sun Life is providing customers with diverse and popular solutions including:

Health insurance: This insurance focuses on protecting and taking care of the participant’s health, including insurance packages for medical care, insurance for illness treatment costs, surgery and other services. other medical services.

Financial insurance: This insurance solution focuses on financial protection for participants and their families in the event of unfortunate events such as death, incapacitation or financial crisis.

Accident insurance: Accident insurance aims to ensure protection for participants in the event of an unexpected accident, ensuring they receive compensation and support in recovering from the accident.

Savings and investment insurance: This solution provides savings and investment opportunities for customers, helping them accumulate and increase assets over time.

Retirement insurance: Retirement insurance focuses on ensuring customers have stable financial resources and enough reserves when they get old, helping them live a comfortable retirement life and not depend on others.

Hopefully, with the above sharing, IBAOHIEM has helped you gain more useful information about the program. Oil and gas life insuranceand to learn more about participating programs, diverse insurance packages with different attractive benefits, or the fees and duration of participating in a certain life insurance program, you can contact IBAOHIEM Please contact us via hotline 0966.490.888 / 0966.795.333 to receive the most timely and accurate advice and support.

Learn product details here: PVI Insurance

After you have learned about the product and you need advice or contact to buy insurance, please do the following:

1/ Method 1: Send support or information via forms on articles or websites.

2/ Method 2: Call or text the hotline number: 0966 490 888 – 02466 569 888 for staff to advise and answer questions.

3/ Method 3: Send request email to mailbox: The content of the request is consulted or answered. Note: please leave your phone number so the consultant can contact you as quickly and conveniently as possible.

4/ Method 4: Send Viber or Zalo message via phone number: 0966 490 888 with the content of needing support or advice.



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