Xpeng Launches Electric Vehicle Sales in the European Market: Marking Strong Penetration

Xpeng, a leading Chinese electric vehicle startup, has officially opened product sales in Germany – one of the most important European markets. After being present in several other European markets such as Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden and Denmark, Xpeng continues to expand its scope of operations.

German Launch and Sales Strategy

Xpeng is not simply bringing car models from China to Germany, but also bringing higher-end products such as the G9 SUV and P7 sedan. The sales and test drive process will officially begin next May. The company plans to use a traditional dealer model, cooperating with authorized third parties, with 12 independent dealers at 24 locations nationwide. According to Markus Schrick, director of Xpeng Germany, the number of agents could double by the end of the year and reach about 60 agents with 120 sales points by the end of 2026.

Vehicle Models and Prices

In Germany, Xpeng offers two main product lines: G9 SUV and P7 sedan, with many different versions. The G9 SUV line will have three different versions, from the Standard Range version to the AWD Long Range version, with starting prices from 63,400 USD to 75,400 USD. Meanwhile, the P7 sedan line also has three versions with prices ranging from 53,700 USD to 75,400 USD.

Market Expansion Plan and Subsequent Markets

Xpeng does not stop at Germany but also plans to expand to France, Italy and the UK. Previously, the company announced plans to launch a right-hand drive model (right-hand drive) in Hong Kong and plans to enter similar markets in Australia and Singapore in the second half of this year. In February, Xpeng also announced expansion into five new markets in the Middle East.

Companion with Volkswagen and Future Plans

In July 2023, Volkswagen invested 700 million USD to own nearly 5% of Xpeng’s shares. There are rumors that the German automaker may use Xpeng’s Edward platform to develop two new electric car models in China, expected to launch in 2026. Xpeng’s sales target this year is 280,000 vehicles, estimated marks progress and ambition in penetrating the global market.

According to CarNewsChina.

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