A series of new policies related to car users will apply in early 2023

Learners must practice on the virtual cabin, pilot auctions of beautiful license plates, exemption from first registration for new cars,… are very notable policies that directly affect drivers. car use will take effect in the new year 2023.

Learning to drive must be practiced on the virtual cabin

According to Circular 04/2022/TT-BGTVT of the Ministry of Transport (MOT) regulating training, testing, and issuance of road motor vehicle driving licenses, from January 1, 2023, people learning to drive cars I must practice in the virtual cabin for a minimum of 4 hours for each student.

Learners practice for a minimum of 4 hours in the virtual cabin.  (Photo: HC)

Learners practice for a minimum of 4 hours in the virtual cabin. (Photo: HC)

According to the Ministry of Transport, driving training establishments are responsible for equipping and maintaining car driving lesson cabins and equipment to monitor students’ time and distance on the road in accordance with the National Technical Regulations. issued by the Ministry of Transport; car driving school cabins follow the roadmap specified in Clause 2, Article 47 of Circular 12/2017/TT-BGTVT.

With this virtual cabin system, students will get acquainted with the exercises of operating vehicle gears, going uphill, driving on perpendicular roads, winding roads similar to the test pattern, as well as get acquainted with situations on mountainous terrain and highways. Once they have completed 4 hours of study in the cabin, students will be provided with a Certificate of Certification, which is a condition for taking the test and issuing a Driver’s License.

Ticket prices at road toll stations increased again

Decree 15/2022/ND-CP of the Government regulating tax exemption and reduction policies for socio-economic recovery and development allowing the application of a tax rate of 8% expired on December 31, 2022. 2022. From January 1, 2023, the tax rate will return to 10%.

The VAT rate returns to 10%, causing cars passing through the toll station to spend an additional 1,000-4,000 VND per trip.  (Photo: Thu Hang)

The VAT rate returns to 10%, causing cars passing through the toll station to spend an additional 1,000-4,000 VND per turn. (Photo: Thu Hang)

This causes the current collection rate at road toll stations to return to the same (before 2022), which is an increase of about 1,000-4,000 VND per turn because VAT has increased from 8% to 10%.

Auction of beautiful license plates

In November 2022, the National Assembly voted to approve a pilot resolution to auction car license plates for 3 years, implemented from July 1, 2023 with the majority of delegates in favor.

According to the resolution, the license plates of cars up for auction are license plates with a white background and black letters and numbers. Organizations and individuals can choose car license plates of the province or city to register to participate in the auction. Car license plates that are not selected for auction, car license plates that are unsuccessfully auctioned will be immediately transferred to the vehicle registration and management system for registration according to regulations.

Beautiful license plates will be pilot auctioned from July 1, 2023.  (Illustration)

Beautiful license plates will be pilot auctioned from July 1, 2023. (Illustration)

The starting price of a beautiful license plate put up for auction is 40 million VND, applied uniformly throughout the country; The deposit is equal to the starting price of a car license plate put up for auction; The price step is 5 million VND.

The Ministry of Public Security will be the presiding unit in coordinating with units and localities to organize asset auctions, and will be responsible for publicizing unregistered license plates of cars that are expected to be issued on the electronic information portal. national asset auction, ministry’s electronic information portal, Traffic Police Department’s electronic information page, online information page of the asset auction organization.

Exemption from first registration for new cars

After 6 months of impact assessment combined with research on technical factors and actual data, the Vietnam Register has compiled and submitted to the Ministry of Transport a plan to implement the first registration exemption for manufactured cars. , assembled, imported within one year from the year of manufacture.

New cars manufactured less than 1 year old may be exempted from registration for the first time in early 2023. (Photo: Hoang Hiep)

New cars manufactured less than 1 year old may be exempted from registration for the first time in early 2023. (Photo: Hoang Hiep)

The above plan has been registered by the Vietnam Register in the 2023 legal document development program of the Ministry of Transport and is taking steps to develop a draft to supplement and amend Circular 16/2021/TT -BGTVT and if approved, can be applied immediately in early 2023.

Previously, in May 2022, the Traffic Police Department (Ministry of Public Security) issued a document requesting the Vietnam Register to adjust a number of contents, most notably the proposal to exempt production vehicles from inspection. New and still under manufacturer’s warranty.

The reason given by the Traffic Police Department is that imported, domestically produced and assembled vehicles have been inspected for technical safety and environmental protection before being sold on the market, so registration for new vehicles is required. is not really necessary.

According to Hoang Hiep – Vietnamnet

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