Health insurance covered at Bach Mai Hospital

Purchasing health insurance coverage at Bach Mai Hospital has a number of important benefits. Here are some reasons why you should consider buying health insurance at Bach Mai Hospital:

  • Quality of medical services: Bach Mai Hospital is one of the largest and prestigious medical facilities in Vietnam. You will be in contact with a team of highly qualified and experienced doctors and medical professionals. Bach Mai Hospital provides high quality medical services and advanced medical equipment, ensuring you receive the best care.
  • Extensive hospital network: Bach Mai Hospital has a network of affiliated hospitals and medical facilities throughout the country. This brings convenience and flexibility to you when you need to use medical services in many different locations.
  • Medical expenses covered: Purchasing health insurance at Bach Mai Hospital helps you minimize the personal finances you have to pay when needing treatment at this hospital. Health insurance paid at Bach Mai Hospital will ensure partial or full payment of medical expenses, from medical examination, testing, medicine, surgery and other medical services.
  • Flexibility and options: Health insurance at Bach Mai Hospital offers many insurance packages and options to suit your needs and financial capabilities. You can choose the appropriate insurance package with the fees and benefits you desire.
  • Financial peace of mind: When you buy health insurance at Bach Mai Hospital, you can have financial peace of mind in case you encounter unexpected health problems.

Bach Mai Hospital is one of the largest and most prestigious hospitals in Vietnam. Established in 1911, Bach Mai Hospital is headquartered at 78 Giai Phong Street, Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi.

Here are some highlights about Bach Mai Hospital:

  • Scale and facilities: Bach Mai Hospital is one of the largest medical facilities in Vietnam, with more than 3,000 beds and equipped with many modern medical equipment. This hospital has multiple floors and specialized aid areas to serve a variety of diseases and specialties.
  • Team of doctors and experts: Bach Mai Hospital has a team of doctors, medical experts and skilled and experienced medical staff. They have been contributing greatly to the quality of medical care and medical training in Vietnam.
  • Services and specialties: Bach Mai Hospital provides many different services and specialties, including internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics, pediatrics, tropics, oncology, emergency resuscitation, cardiology, and gastroenterology. chemistry, pediatrics, rehabilitation, and many other medical fields.
  • Mission and role: Bach Mai Hospital is not only a hospital providing medical care to the people of Hanoi and neighboring provinces but also has an important role in medical research, education and training. medical human resources for the whole country.
  • Role in the COVID-19 pandemic: During the COVID-19 pandemic, Bach Mai Hospital has played an important role in caring for and treating thousands of COVID-19 patients. Doctors and medical staff at the hospital have made tireless efforts to ensure people’s health.
Health insurance covered at Bach Mai Hospital

Bao Minh health insurance

Bao Minh is one of the leading insurance companies in Vietnam and offers many insurance products, including health insurance. Below is some basic information about Bao Minh health insurance:

  • Health insurance products: Bao Minh provides diverse health insurance packages to meet customers’ needs. Bao Minh health insurance products include costs of medical examination, treatment, surgery, tests, drugs, dental care, ENT and other medical services.
  • Insurance benefits: Bao Minh health insurance protects customers from financial risks when encountering health problems. Insurance benefits may include payment of hospital fees, surgery, tests, imaging, medications, daily cash during hospitalization, and other medical services.
  • Medical network: Bao Minh has a network of affiliated medical facilities, including hospitals, clinics and medical centers. Customers can use medical services at facilities in this network with convenience and high quality.
  • Flexibility and customization: Bao Minh provides flexibility and customization for customers when purchasing health insurance. Customers can choose insurance packages and customize protection levels, choosing benefits that suit their needs and personal financial capabilities.
  • Customer care service: Bao Minh is committed to providing professional and dedicated customer care service. Customers can contact Bao Minh’s customer care team for advice and support on health insurance products and related questions.

Learn product details here: Bao Minh health insurance

Bao Viet health insurance

Bao Viet is one of the leading insurance companies in Vietnam and offers many insurance products, including health insurance. Below is some basic information about Bao Viet health insurance:

  • Health insurance products: Bao Viet provides diverse health insurance products to meet customer needs. Bao Viet’s health insurance packages often include costs for medical examination, treatment, surgery, emergency medical services, tests, drugs, and other types of support.
  • Insurance benefits: Bao Viet guarantees to cover part or all of medical expenses for customers when they need treatment or medical examination. Insurance benefits may include hospital fees, medications, tests, imaging, surgery, daily cash payments during hospitalization, and other medical services.
  • Medical network: Bao Viet often has a network of affiliated medical facilities, including hospitals, clinics, and other medical centers. This brings convenience to customers when needing to use medical services.
  • Flexibility and customization: Bao Viet offers many options and flexibility for customers when purchasing health insurance. Customers can choose an insurance package that suits their personal needs and financial capabilities.
  • Customer care service: Bao Viet is committed to providing dedicated and quality customer care service. Customers can consult and receive support from Bao Viet’s customer care team to answer questions and support requests.

Learn more about the products here:

PVI health insurance

PVI health insurance is a form of health insurance provided by PVI Insurance Company. PVI is one of the largest and reputable insurance companies in Vietnam, established in 1996 and operating in many different insurance fields.

Below is some information related to PVI health insurance:

  • Benefits and coverage: PVI health insurance provides financial protection to participants in the event of incurring medical expenses related to illness or accident. Insurance benefits usually include medical examination and treatment, inpatient and outpatient treatment, surgery costs, medication purchases and other medical services.
  • Flexible insurance packages: PVI offers many health insurance packages with different fees and coverage to meet customers’ needs and conditions. Customers can choose insurance packages that suit their income level and personal requirements.

Learn product details here: PVI health insurance



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PJICO health insurance

PJICO Health Insurance is a health insurance product of PJICO Insurance Joint Stock Company. Below is some basic information about PJICO health insurance:

  • Health insurance products: PJICO provides flexible and diverse health insurance packages to meet customer needs. PJICO health insurance products include costs for medical examination, treatment, surgery, tests, drugs, dental care, ENT, and other medical services.
  • Insurance benefits: PJICO health insurance protects customers from financial risks when encountering health problems. Insurance benefits may include payment of hospital fees, surgery, tests, imaging, medications, daily cash during hospitalization, and other medical services.
  • Medical network: PJICO has a network of affiliated medical facilities, including hospitals, clinics and reputable medical centers. Customers can use medical services at facilities in this network with convenience and high quality.
  • Flexibility and customization: PJICO health insurance provides flexibility and customization to customers. Customers can choose insurance packages and customize protection levels, choosing benefits that suit their needs and personal financial capabilities.
  • Customer care service: PJICO is committed to providing professional and dedicated customer care service. Customers can contact PJICO’s customer care team for advice and support on health insurance products and related questions.

Learn product details here: PJICO health insurance

MIC health insurance

MIC health insurance is a special type of health insurance for people in Vietnam. Under the MIC Health Insurance regime, participants will receive a health insurance card, allowing them to receive medical examination and treatment and access medical services at medical facilities. This health insurance card will be provided free of charge or at a reasonable fee to different social groups, including the poor, workers, students and other groups.

MIC health insurance offers a number of benefits to participants, including:

  • Reduced direct fees for medical services: Participants will enjoy a percentage of medical examination and treatment fees at medical facilities.
  • Diverse choice of medical facilities: Participants can choose to seek medical treatment at hospitals and medical facilities in the public health system that have participated in the MIC Health Insurance program.
  • Financial support: MIC health insurance helps reduce the financial pressure of paying medical fees for participants and their families.

Learn product details here: MIC health insurance

See more health insurance here: Health insurance

In the context of increasing health care needs and the risk of diseases, purchasing health insurance at Bach Mai Hospital is a smart decision and ensures your health future. and family.

Bach Mai Hospital is one of the leading medical facilities in Vietnam, known for the quality of professional medical services, a team of experienced doctors and medical staff, as well as equipment. modern. With health insurance covered at Bach Mai Hospital, you can be assured of accessing quality and reliable health care services.

Through the insurance program, you will enjoy a percentage of medical examination and treatment fees at Bach Mai Hospital, helping to reduce direct fees for medical services. This means you can access quality medical services without worrying about your financial situation.

Furthermore, Bach Mai Hospital also offers a rich range of medical specialties and services, including diagnosis, treatment and surgery. This gives you diverse and flexible choices when it comes to health care.

Before purchasing health insurance at Bach Mai Hospital, carefully learn about the specific terms and regulations of the program, including insurance coverage, payment levels, and applicable conditions. This helps you clearly understand your rights and limitations when using medical services at Bach Mai Hospital. In short, buying health insurance paid at Bach Mai Hospital is a smart and safe solution to protect the health of you and your family.

After you have learned about the product and you need advice or contact to buy insurance, please do the following:

1/ Method 1: Send support or information via forms on articles or websites.

2/ Method 2: Call or text the hotline number: 0966 490 888 – 02466 569 888 for staff to advise and answer questions.

3/ Method 3: Send request email to mailbox: The content of the request is consulted or answered. Note: please leave your phone number so the consultant can contact you as quickly and conveniently as possible.

4/ Method 4: Send Viber or Zalo message via phone number: 0966 490 888 with the content of needing support or advice.



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