Bao Viet body insurance

Today, participation Bao Viet body insurance is a correct and necessary choice because life around us always has unpredictable threats and dangers. Body insurance is a type of voluntary insurance, applied to cases of illness and accidents within the scope of insurance, occurring within the territory of Vietnam. Let’s learn more about Bao Viet body insurance with IBAOHIEM in the article below now!

As shared above, physical insurance is a popular, voluntary type of insurance for almost all subjects such as students, workers at factories, enterprises, and employees. office, …

Customers only need to be Vietnamese citizens, not suffering from neurological diseases or not being disabled or permanently disabled over 50% to participate in this type of insurance. However, depending on each insurance company’s policy, there may be an age limit for participation. For Bao Viet Insurance, the age limit ranges from 1 year to 70 years old.

Body insurance is a type of insurance with relatively low premiums. The purpose of the insurance package is to provide full or partial financial support to participants when risks related to accidents occur. The term of the body insurance package is usually 1 year. In addition, you can join for a period of 3 months or 6 months.

Bao Viet body insurance

Insurance benefits

When risks within the scope of insurance unfortunately occur, employees and insurance participants are entitled to payment benefits depending on the severity of the injury, specifically as follows:

  • In case the participant has an accident resulting in permanent total disability or death: the full amount will be paid according to the participating insurance limit.
  • In case the participant has an accident resulting in injury to a part of the body: Bao Viet pays according to the Table of disability insurance payment rates issued under Decision No. 1417/2012/QD-TGD /BHBV dated May 9, 2012 by General Director of Bao Viet Insurance.

There are 5 insurance packages corresponding to 5 maximum liability levels of 20 million VND, 40 million VND, 60 million VND, 80 million VND and 100 million VND. If you join an insurance package with a maximum liability level, customers will have to pay a fee corresponding to that amount. The payment fee rate is 0.28%. For example, if a customer wants to buy a liability level of 100 million VND, the fee will be 100,000,000 x 0.28% = 280,000 million VND.

Compensation claim records

When an accident risk occurs within the scope of insurance, to enjoy insurance benefits, the insured needs to submit a claim. Bao Viet body insurance includes the following documents:

  • Application for insurance payment;
  • Insurance contract with list of insured persons;
  • Hospital discharge papers, treatment confirmation, treatment notes and documents related to the treatment of injuries and accidents;
  • Accident record certified by the agency or local government or police where the Insured Person had an accident;
  • Other related documents if requested by Bao Viet;
  • Death certificate and confirmation of legal inheritance (in case of death).

In case the insured person authorizes another person to receive the insurance amount, there must be a legal authorization letter.

Time to receive compensation

Contract compensation period is within 15 days from Bao Viet receipt of complete and valid documents. Bao Viet commits to transparent and clear compensation according to the terms of the contract, so customers can be completely assured about the benefits they will receive.

IBAOHIEM – a leading reputable unit specializing in consulting and providing all types of Bao Viet insurance, including Bao Viet body insurance. Choosing to go with IBAOHIEM, customers can be completely assured that their rights will not be affected.

Above is general information about the package Bao Viet body insurance. Hopefully, IBAOHIEM’s article has brought useful information to readers.

Learn product details here: Bao Viet body insurance

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1/ Method 1: Send support or information via forms on articles or websites.

2/ Method 2: Call or text the hotline number: 0966 490 888 – 02466 569 888 for staff to advise and answer questions.

3/ Method 3: Send request email to mailbox: The content of the request is consulted or answered. Note: please leave your phone number so that consultants can contact you as quickly and conveniently as possible.

4/ Method 4: Send Viber or Zalo message via phone number: 0966 490 888 with the content of needing support or advice.



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