PVI car insurance

Each of us wants a good, happy and easy life, each of us wants everything to go smoothly, life to be peaceful, and bright days with nothing to worry about. But in reality, life is not always what we expect, but there are always hidden dangers and risks of unexpected events at any stage of life. Faced with life’s inevitable uncertainties and risks, people have sought measures to ensure safety and comprehensive protection for themselves and their families, prominent among which is the Choose to participate in insurance programs to better meet your protection needs. And with the current high demand for cars and motorbikes, insurance programs for motor vehicles are attracting more and more customers. Therefore, in the article below, IBAOHIEM would like to introduce to you the product PVI car insurance – one of the best-selling insurance programs in the insurance market today.

PVI car insurance or motor vehicle insurance is an insurance product designed by PVI insurance company, specializing in motor vehicle owners whether they are cars, motorbikes or motorbikes. This product has the function of helping customers reduce financial burdens while using the vehicle, if unfortunately the vehicle is damaged or lost, this also contributes to increasing peace of mind and confidence. more driving for each customer on their journey.

PVI car insurance

First of all, about the PVI brand – Vietnam Oil and Gas Insurance, a member of PVI Holdings, is an enterprise operating in the non-life insurance industry and has established its position over many years. The company has made significant contributions to the country’s socio-economic development and has been honored with noble awards such as: Leading Insurance Unit in Vietnam since 2014; Ranked in the Top 10 prestigious non-life insurance enterprises for 3 consecutive years 2017, 2018 and 2019; and is recognized as a leading Insurer providing top personal products, providing excellent services and convenience to customers.

When participating PVI car insurance You will be supported by PVI to pay part or all of the necessary and reasonable expenses arising when you unfortunately face unexpected risks and damages. For each type of vehicle, PVI designs corresponding separate vehicle insurance programs, and depending on each customer’s participation needs, PVI will establish extremely flexible additional terms of participation. form – this helps all customers to be protected, have their safety needs met, and be supported in life.

For example, with the motor vehicle civil liability insurance program, when the driver/vehicle owner unfortunately causes damage to a third person within the scope and period of insurance. PVI will commit to supporting a maximum compensation of 150 million VND when a third person suffers physical or life damage and a maximum of 100 million VND for property damage caused by a car, 50 million VND for property damage caused by motorbikes. This will help customers easily fulfill their legal obligations to compensate quickly, and not have to bear too large a financial burden in a short period of time.

And to understand more details about each PVI insurance program, you can contact us at IBAOHIEM via hotline 0966.490.888/ 0966.795.333 to receive timely and accurate support, answers, and advice. The most accurate information from our team of consultants. Hopefully with these shares IBAOHIEM has helped you understand better PVI car insurance.

Learn product details here: PVI car insurance

After you have learned about the product and you need advice or contact to buy insurance, please do the following:

1/ Method 1: Send support or information via forms on articles or websites.

2/ Method 2: Call or text the hotline number: 0966 490 888 – 02466 569 888 for staff to advise and answer questions.

3/ Method 3: Send request email to mailbox: Kinhdoanh@ibaohiem.vn The content of the request is consulted or answered. Note: please leave your phone number so that consultants can contact you as quickly and conveniently as possible.

4/ Method 4: Send Viber or Zalo message via phone number: 0966 490 888 with the content of needing support or advice.



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