Bao Viet Insurance Corporation

Nowadays, life has improved, people are also aware of the importance of insurance in unexpected cases. Therefore, many insurance companies have also been established with a variety of different insurance products to serve customers’ needs for protection and peace of mind about their health and finances. Participating in insurance is transferring risk losses to the insurance company, helping to reduce costs related to treatment and care. Therefore, many customers are very interested and carefully choose reputable and quality insurance locations. Bao Viet Insurance Corporation Is it the most effective and successful place to invest in insurance? Let’s learn about this insurance company with IBAOHIEM through the article below.

Bao Viet Insurance Corporation is one of the leading organizations in the insurance field in Vietnam. With a solid foundation and long-term experience, Bao Viet has become a trusted partner for millions of customers across the country. Bao Viet not only provides quality insurance services but also brings peace of mind and financial security to customers. From protecting assets for individuals and businesses to protecting lives, Bao Viet always accompanies customers in every stage of life.

With a variety of insurance products from health insurance, life insurance, car insurance, home insurance, etc., customers can be comprehensively insured, not only in health matters but also in valuable assets. Values ​​such as houses, cars, or even trips are also within Bao Viet’s insurance scope. Bao Viet’s outstanding internal health insurance products are well known such as Bao Viet An Gia, Bao Viet Intercare, Bao Viet Tam Binh.

Bao Viet Insurance Corporation

Bao Viet An Gia: with the goal of providing customers with the most optimal care, Bao Viet Insurance Corporation has launched the Bao Viet An Gia insurance product to help customers enjoy life with peace of mind. Participants range from young children to the elderly with very preferential and reasonable fees. The basic benefits that customers receive are also very attractive, up to 454 million VND with more than 200 hospitals and clinics across the country helping participants ensure their treatment needs.

Bao Viet Intercare: Bao Viet launched this insurance product to serve audiences with high economic capabilities. Flexible insurance programs include primary and additional benefits. The insurance coverage of this package can extend from Vietnam to all over the world (except the US and Canada). Depending on different fees, customers can choose packages from Select to Diamond with insurance benefits up to 10.5 billion VND. High quality service and many attractive benefits are what attract many customers to Intercare insurance.

Bao Viet Tam Binh: this is a product designed by Bao Viet company at a very low cost to serve the health protection needs of both low- and middle-income individuals. With total benefits up to 440 million VND, customers can safely choose packages from basic to advanced. For example, for only a fee of 486,000 VND/year, customers aged 41-50 can own a Basic insurance card with main benefits such as hospitalization and inpatient surgery due to illness, accident, and maternity. At the same time, Bao Viet also commits that customers will have peace of mind about health care at high-quality hospitals and clinics across the country.

Bao Viet always listens and understands the needs of all customers, with many different insurance products that customers can freely choose and participate in. In addition to health insurance products that are highly appreciated by customers, Bao Viet is also known as a provider of many diverse types of insurance from life insurance, health insurance,… to serve all needs. customer demand.

To be able to enjoy our insurance services with peace of mind Bao Viet Insurance Corporation, customers can choose IBAOHIEM address – a reputable and reliable unit specializing in providing Bao Viet insurance products. With a team of professional and dedicated consultants, the health of customers and their families will be protected to the fullest.

Learn more about the products here:

After you have learned about the product and you need advice or contact to buy insurance, please do the following:

1/ Method 1: Send support or information via forms on articles or websites.

2/ Method 2: Call or text the hotline number: 0966 490 888 – 02466 569 888 for staff to advise and answer questions.

3/ Method 3: Send request email to mailbox: The content of the request is consulted or answered. Note: please leave your phone number so that consultants can contact you as quickly and conveniently as possible.

4/ Method 4: Send Viber or Zalo message via phone number: 0966 490 888 with the content of needing support or advice.



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