Insurance combined with Bao Viet people

Insurance plays an important role in people’s daily lives, and is an effective financial protection plan that is widely used today because instead of facing a sudden financial loss, insurance will helps you spread the burden of this expense, which will help people create more peace of mind in life. For this reason, more and more insurance programs are designed to be more diverse in types and product packages to provide superior and better protection for customers during the participation process. Therefore, in the article below, IBAOHIEM would like to introduce to you the product Bao Viet combined insurance for people– one of the product lines that receives a lot of trust and appreciation from many customers today.

Insurance combined with Bao Viet people is a type of insurance designed to provide individuals or groups with protection against unforeseen risks in life, including accidents, illnesses, diseases, etc. This insurance program is often favored by organizations and businesses as part of their employee benefits package, creating a more secure working environment and improving employee satisfaction. Besides, this is also the choice of many individuals and families to establish a more comprehensive protection and peace of mind in life, ensuring stability for the family’s financial resources.

Insurance combined with Bao Viet people

First of all, regarding insured subjects, Bao Viet accepts insurance for all Vietnamese citizens and foreigners working and studying in Vietnam between the ages of 16 and 15 years old;

With this product, you can choose one or more different insurance conditions: Insurance condition A- insurance for death due to illness, disease, or maternity; Insurance condition B- covers death or bodily injury due to accident; Insurance condition C – insurance for hospitalization or surgery due to illness, disease, or maternity;

When participating Bao Viet combined insurance for people You will be guaranteed by Bao Viet to pay the entire insured amount in case of death, and guaranteed to pay a portion of the insured amount based on the disability rate table in case of physical injury due to an accident. . In case the insured person is hospitalized for any reason within the scope of insurance, Bao Viet will pay a daily benefit as follows:

During the first 10 days of hospitalization: Bao Viet will pay 0.30% of the total insurance amount for each day of hospitalization;

In the next 20 days: Bao Viet will pay 0.20% of the total insurance amount for each day of hospitalization;

During the next 10 days: Bao Viet will pay 0.15% of the total insurance amount for each day of hospitalization.

And when participating in this product, customers can choose to buy by paying short-term insurance premiums, long-term insurance premiums or annual insurance premiums. In particular, with the method of buying insurance by year, depending on the insurance conditions and age of the insured person, different premium rates will be applied. Therefore, for more detailed advice, to get an accurate and quick quote, you can contact us at IBAOHIEM via hotline 0966.490.888 / 0966.795.333 to receive the fastest support.

Hopefully the article shared above about IBAOHIEM has helped you understand better Bao Viet combined insurance for people.

Learn product details here: Insurance combined with Bao Viet people

After you have learned about the product and you need advice or contact to buy insurance, please do the following:

1/ Method 1: Send support or information via forms on articles or websites.

2/ Method 2: Call or text the hotline number: 0966 490 888 – 02466 569 888 for staff to advise and answer questions.

3/ Method 3: Send request email to mailbox: The content of the request is consulted or answered. Note: please leave your phone number so that consultants can contact you as quickly and conveniently as possible.

4/ Method 4: Send Viber or Zalo message via phone number: 0966 490 888 with the content of needing support or advice.



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